Psychic Market Research
Marketers often talk about the Robert Collier concept of entering the conversations in your prospect’s mind. Information marketing genius Porter Stansberry says that our marketing should start where they are.
In other words, the closer you can align yourself to their top-of-the-mind thoughts, the more receptive to your marketing message they become.
However, the problem is that more often than not, you don’t know what they’re really preoccupied with.
What’s worse, you sometimes make harmful guesses and assumptions. The end result is a bomb in your promotions and a dent in your sales, because your offer is not in tandem with what the prospect is thinking and feeling in the first place.
Good news. The whole interface of Twitter is one big web conversation taking place in a meeting of minds.
You see prospects exchanging rapid-fire thoughts, opinions, and random finds. In just one screen, you can read the hopes, dreams, interests, fears and dominant emotions of your niche.
To do this, just use and Monitter, put in your niche keywords and boom–you’ll instantly be transported to the heart of the conversation.
Start your marketing there and see the difference in your response.